Refund and Cancellation Information:

If you cancel up to 3 days prior to the event/ending of registration for class/club, you will receive a full refund with the exception of the processing fee.  If you cancel after registration is closed but before the event/class begins you will receive the course fee amount back minus the supply fee and the processing fee.  If you cancel after the beginning of class/program session, money will not be refunded.

***If we as the Leu Civic Center cancel a class, you will receive a full refund including the processing fee.

Media Release

Photographs: By registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event or using park facilities or property, you authorize the Leu Civic Center to use photos and video footage for promotional purposes.  All footage is property of the Leu Civic Center.  Media will be used without granting compensation, or prior notice exceptions.  Local media/newspapers may also visit our center to take pictures or write a story.  

Liability Waiver

 No accident insurance will be furnished. I do hereby consent and agree that those named minors/adults may participate in activities at or sponsored by the Leu Civic Center. It is agreed that the Leu Civic Center Board, Staff, Executive Director & City of Mascoutah assume NO LEGAL LIABILITY for the injuries or other losses as a result of participation. It is further agreed that this consent shall remain in full force and effect until the expiration of membership. Every family member is in good physical health, and/or any health related problems will be listed.